Fake Christians

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:Dear Fake Christians,It's Halloween time! Deal with it, or should I say "Get over it!"I present this meme today just to piss off piety-pretending pseudo-Christians everywhere. Natas, natas! See the sharp knife carve the orange face. May the blackness darken your day! Your souls are already mine! In the Grand Barbecue Pit Of Hell, I toast them like marshmallows on stakes!

Crap Christians beg the Supreme Court (in an ad in the Washington Post) "not to force us to choose between the state and the Laws of God"

As Judd Legum notes (see below), the list of signatories "includes two presidential candidates, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee." (Click to enlarge -- a little.)by KenOne thing the Roberts Court has had to cultivate, given the number of bombshells it drops in among its major-case rulings, is a sense of theater, or at least careful planning of the way and especially the sequence in which those decisions are released.

Republican Idaho is Shylock's Utopia

Editor’s Note: Idaho, where we maintain our office and residence, has a well deserved reputation as one of the most Conservative-Republican and heavily-churched states in the Union. Many residents pride themselves on their alleged Biblical and family values. With an interest rate on loans in Idaho pegged at an ungodly rate of predation of 582%, these Republican church-goers are either flagrant hypocrites or grossly ignorant of God’s law concerning loans of money.

Courtesy of Joseph Mitchell: These two nuns might strike you as ideal role models for the Catholic Church, but you'd probably be wrong

by KenFor reasons that might be worth talking about some other time, I've started reading stuff by the legendary New Yorker reporter Joseph Mitchell (1908-1996), and in a 1940 nonfiction piece called "Mazie," I came across a moment that hit me so hard, and so purely and simply, that I had to share it.By way of background, Mitchell loved the gritty side of New York City, whose often sorely pressed denizens he felt singularly at home with.