
The Facebook Team that Tried to Swing Nicaragua’s Election is Full of U.S. Spies

A tacit agreement between the government and Facebook appears to have been made: you can keep the profits, but we control the message. As such, a cynic might wonder what functional difference there is between Facebook and the national security state.
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Facebook acusó falsamente a estos nicaragüenses de ser troles y los censuró antes de las elecciones

Facebook, Instagram y Twitter suspendieron a cientos de periodistas y activistas pro sandinistas días antes de las elecciones del 7 de noviembre en Nicaragua, alegando falsamente que eran troles del gobierno. The Grayzone los entrevistó para revelar la verdad. (You can read this article in English here.) MANAGUA, NICARAGUA – Pocos días antes de las elecciones del 7 de noviembre en Nicaragua, las plataformas de redes sociales censuraron a influyentes medios de comunicación nicaragüenses y a cientos de periodistas y […]

Meet the Nicaraguans Facebook falsely branded bots and censored days before elections

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter suspended hundreds of influential pro-Sandinista journalists and activists days before Nicaragua’s November 7 elections, falsely claiming they were government trolls. The Grayzone interviewed them to reveal the truth. (Puede leer este informe en español aquí.) MANAGUA, NICARAGUA – Just days before Nicaragua’s November 7 elections, top social media platforms censored top Nicaraguan news outlets and hundreds of journalists and activists who support their country’s leftist Sandinista government.

Hellish Jabboween: Feds, Pedos & Boosters - Ep144

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik and Lana covers the latest creepy insanity in episode 144 of Flashback Friday.
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‘Truth Social,’ Facebook’s ‘Virtual Metaverse,’ Refugee Rape & Covid Bots - FF Ep143

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik and Lana cover recent news in episode 143 of Flashback Friday. 
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How Facebook helps Israel hide its crimes

As Israel intensified its killing campaign in the Gaza Strip in May, people across the globe took to the streets in solidarity with Palestinians. Others used social media to document, condemn and raise awareness of Israel’s crimes. But Facebook and Instagram users soon noticed their posts being taken down, their accounts suspended and their content receiving reduced visibility. A new report by Human Rights Watch confirms that the[Read More...]