The EyeOpener Video Report

The EyeOpener Report- Sibel Edmonds on Turkey, Syria & the Kurdish Question

Syria is once again the center of attention with Washington and Ankara agreeing on "ISIS-free zones" that each partner is interpreting in its own way. Joining us to explore those interpretations is Sibel Edmonds of, just back from the region with intel on a possible timeline for increased military action in the country. In this conversation James and Sibel discuss Turkey's battle against the Kurds and how the Kurdish population are being used by the US and Israel as pawns in a complex chess game.

The EyeOpener Report- Changing the World for the Better Through Giving

Today James talks to Anthony Gucciardi of about a pair of recent articles. The first, "4 Ways to Actually Make Your New Year’s Resolution Work," outlines why our resolutions often fail, and how to make sure they work. The second, "Anthony Gucciardi Donates 20,000 Meals to US Food Banks," challenges other alt media producers, as well as the general public, to start changing the world for the better through giving. Will James take up the challenge?

The EyeOpener Report- Sibel Edmonds on “The Lone Gladio”

Sibel Edmonds discusses “The Lone Gladio” & how its fictional events and characters intersect with the Deep State Reality
FBI whistleblower, founder and author of the new spy mystery novel “The Lone Gladio” Sibel Edmonds sits down with James Corbett to discuss her book, how it was written, and how its fictional events and characters intersect with reality. From the power of self-publishing to subvert the traditional corporate media gatekeeper system to Operation Gladio and staged terror, this conversation covers it all.

The EyeOpener Report- Little Brother: Hope or Hype?

Tyranny, Surveillance, Conspiracy & Resistance
We all know Big Brother; the all-seeing, all-knowing character that presides over the Orwellian surveillance society. But what about Little Brother? Is it possible to use the technology of the police state to undermine that tyranny, or is that the trap that is being set for us? Today we are joined by veteran trial lawyer and radio broadcaster Lionel of to discuss these and other issues. Don’t miss this fascinating, fast-paced and in-depth discussion on tyranny, surveillance, conspiracy and resistance.

The EyeOpener Report- We Tortured Some Folks

Obama Says the “T” Word
Language is the great tool of the tyrants. It always has been, and always will be. Patriots are expected to abide by a PATRIOT Act that destroys their Bill of Rights, support “surgical strikes” against “enemy combatants” by the Department of “Defense,” and cheer the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to those who wage war.
Find out more about the doublespeak that underpins our political unreality on this week’s edition of The Eyeopener Report with James Corbett.

The EyeOpener Report- How to Replace the Federal Reserve

The proposals for alternative monetary systems to the current Federal Reserve paradigm
This clip from The Corbett Report’s new feature length documentary, “Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve,” outlines some of the proposals for alternative monetary systems to the current Federal Reserve paradigm. Featured ideas include Ellen Brown on state banks, Paul Glover on LETS hour currencies, and Roger Ver on bitcoin. (To watch the full documentary, please visit: