Exxon Mobile

Big Oil’s Price Gouging

As I pulled into the gas station to fill up, my car radio car told me that on January 31st Exxon-Mobile announced record-breaking profits of over fifty-five billion dollars. With the price of gas again approaching four bucks a gallon, I was certainly making my contribution to Big Oil’s profiteering. The big oil companies justify […]
The post Big Oil’s Price Gouging first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Fracking: Suicide Capitalism Poisons the Air that We Breathe

Shortly after operations began, we started to experience extreme headaches, runny noses, sore/scratchy throats, muscle aches and a constant feeling of fatigue. Both of our children are experiencing nose bleeds and I’ve had dizziness, vomiting and vertigo to the point that I couldn’t stand and was taken to an emergency room. Our daughter has commented that she feels as though she has cement in her bones.
Pam Judy 20 July 2011, Carmichaels, Pennsylvania resident