
Facebook wants you to report extremists in your friends and family [Video]

What is an extremist? These days, this term is becoming rather subjective. For the Democrat in 2021, extremists include: Trump supporters Dedicated and serious Christian believers Proponents of traditional family structures and values Conservatives For the Conservative / Republican in the same period, some of us might consider these people and groups extremists: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez […]

Terrorister ser mainstream-media som viralt PR-verktyg

50 döda och 50 skadade efter högerextrem terrorattack i Nya Zeeland. De attackerade två moskéer med automatvapen och slaktade folkmassan hänsynslöst.Svårt att föreställa sig den skräcken, men även vad offrens nära och kära måste känna just nu. Fruktansvärt. Tragedin förlängs dessutom när vissa medier i handling gör exakt vad terroristerna vill. En av gärningsmännen skrev ett manifest.

“Security Arc” forms amidst Mideast terror


By Sharmine Narwani
Many observers are correct in noting that the Middle East is undergoing yet another seismic shift – that the Russian-brokered destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal, a US-Iranian rapprochement, the diminished strategic value of Saudi Arabia and Israel, and a US withdrawal from Afghanistan will all contribute to changing regional dynamics considerably.