
Donald Trump is the same man he’s always been, but the Democrats have grown vicious

I can remember a time, not so long ago, when the well-known figure, Donald Trump was remembered for frequent appearances on the US talk show circuit, endorsing various celebrity brands, selling pizza, mattresses, poor quality vodka, and his signature brand of steaks. I remember too when he hosted the Apprentice and made ‘you’re fired’ a household phrase.

Students of prestigious London university seek to ban ‘white’ philosophers

Students have been trying to get out of doing their homework for ages. But suddenly ‘the dog ate my homework’ has metamorphosed into something far more convoluted and weird.
It appears that students at London’s School of Oriental and African Studies want to be exempt from reading the works of Plato, Aristotle, Voltaire and Kant because the men were white.

Make the West ‘normal’ again for the sake of peace

One can understand a great deal about culture by examining language.
An important case study is the Russian word нормальный (normal’nyy). The word shares the Latin root-word normalis with the English word ‘normal’. Sadly, the modern use of ‘нормальный’ in Russia has parted ways with its English counterpart.
In Russia нормальный is used to describe a situation, individual or condition that is healthy, sane, functional, proper and/or good.

Europe’s loathing of Donald Trump is symptomatic of a wider cultural malaise

Prior to the US election, ordinary Russians were broadly hopeful for a Trump victory. Although many were and remain sceptical of Donald Trump’s ability to resist the militarism of the American deep state, it is accurate to say there was a collective sigh of relief in Russia when Hillary Clinton, the most Russophobic Presidential candidate in recent American history, lost.

State owned broadcaster BBC2 normalises ISIS with a disgusting comedy sketch

State owned broadcaster BBC2 have just produced a ‘comedy’ segment called Real Housewives of ISIS.
It is part of a programme appropriately called Revolting. The sketch itself is patently dreary and not funny at all. It mocks the very sick trend of individuals seeking to purchase wives as human chattel on line. In this case they are lured by ISIS terrorists to live in parts of the Middle East under ISIS control.