
No-Go Zone: England Spirals After ‘Racist’ Euro2020 Loss + BreadTube, TYT US State Department Shills

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Henrik cover some of the latest news and recent events in episode 62 of No-Go Zone.
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Religious Leaders Hold Home Depot Hostage Unless Company Meets Demands Over Election Reform

Pastor McDonald threatened that, if Home Depot does not comply, boycotts could escalate to protesting inside stores. Governor Kemp countered by saying that the boycott on Home Depot, which employs about 30,000 Georgians, will hurt the workers while benefiting the progressive agenda from Wasington DC.

The Koch Brothers, Mega-Donors to the GOP, Threaten to Support Democrats If Republicans Don’t Support Open Borders

The Kochs are threatening to support Democrats in the midterm if their Republican opponents oppose Open Borders and job-killing 'free trade' deals that benefit multinational corporations. Under pressure from the Kochs, Representative Kevin Yoder (R-KS) and Chairman of the GOP-majority House Appropriations Committee voted in favor of new asylum rules hidden in a Homeland Security spending bill that would give at least 32-million Central Americans the right to migrate to the US.