
Esoteric Hollywood & Alien Engineering: Jay Dyer on Veritas Radio

Mel invited me on the popular Veritas Radio Show to discuss my books, propaganda, the collapse of old Hollywood, the nature of control systems, and how pop culture works to form our minds.  This interview is unique, as Mel is an experienced interviewer who asks tough questions that made me think.  We cover 80s films, 90s films, MK ultra films, and how Hollywood is using the alien agenda for the next phase of initiation.

Atheist Debate: Jay Dyer Vs Detroyer on Logic / God – Politics Discord

A recent “debate” on one of the largest discord servers. Atheists are now arguing that informal fallacies are valid arguments, so feel free to now use nothing but ad hominems, since informal fallacies are valid arguments. “What is the justification for knowledge, ethics, and metaphysics in your worldview.”
Atheist Reply: the single mocule dimension isn’t a contradiction.
This hilarious low IQ reply wasn’t a coherent counter example, argument or justification.

Top 10 or 3 Ways the World Ends with Jay Dyer ROASTED

Tonight we chill and examine the news and speculate on happy topics like the end of the world.  What are the likely ways the end comes?  Will there be blood moons?  Blood moon pies?  Will there be th0ts?  Will there be Shoneys Big Boys?  Will I still use my bodily functions?  Will we still be have our Bitcoin? We’ll also cover some forgotten films and I’ll read the best roasts of me from twitter and elsewhere.

Top 10 Lies of the Modern World!

In this new top 10 I cover the chief lies most people still (amazingly) believe. From the worship of “progress” (an unclear notion), to the assumption experts and officials tell us the truth. the “normal” world is dominated by lies that are ancient, as well as new versions of ancient lies. You may take issue with my numbering – if so, let me know in the comments! Be sure to like and subscribe and share!