
Genesis Explained 1- Bible Series – Jay Dyer (Half)

Today we start a new series where we will take on a monumental task of covering the entire Bible. We will lecture on all the other topics we have been as well, this is just a new series projected to take the next few years, Lord willing. We will cover every chapter in the Orthodox Bible, aside from the few we have already done. Hopefully we can see that clearly this book is from God and not like any other religious text. 


Gnosticism Refuted & St Irenaeus Against Heresies – Jay Dyer (Half)

This is the repaired free half, while the full talk is already available to subscribers to JaysAnalysis.com. After many requests, I have decided to cover gnosticism and why I am not a gnostic. The first half will cover the lure of Gnosticism and its modern variants, and the often overlooked aspect of who funds gnostic movements and books. Then the second hour for subscribers to JaysAnalysis will cover the meaty details from St. Irenaeus’ Against Heresies and the gnostic popularizing books by Elaine Pagels and others, with specific philosophical and logical refutations.


Matt Dillahunty Vs Jay Dyer – Theism Debate Live 630 PM EST

Matt Dillahunty and Jay Dyer square off in a long-requested discussion about the existence of God and the validity of the transcendental argument. Matt Dillahunty is a well known public speaker and debater who has appeared in debates with Dr. Jordan Peterson and remains a skeptic, while Jay Dyer is a philosopher and author.  The debate will be moderated by Alternate Current Radio’s Hesher.

Storm Area 51 MEMES & MOVIES! Jay Dyer

In this video I cover the fact that probably most rationally certainly we were seeded here by alien overlords. I then look at the best Area 51 memes and the problems of methane from cows according to Gary Busey, and then move to cover 5 alien UFO films from different decades. The Day the the Earth Stood Still, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Arrival with Chuck Sheen, Indedendence Day, Paul and Childhood’s End a bit. Mind = blowed.

Did This Film PREDICT the Roman Catholic Scandals AND HEREDITARY?

A lesser known film based on Dennis Wheatley’s esoteric novels and in the vein of The Devil Rides Our, which I covered in my first book, Esoteric Hollywood. In the last couple decades the Roman Church has been plagued with scandals that are not, in fact, new. Did Wheatley, with his connections know inside info? Did you know he was an insider with Crowley? Check out my analysis of To The Devil A Daughter.