Evo Morales

Bolivia: More Lessons From a Noble Experiment Gone Awry

Poor, naive Evo Morales. Instead of seeking secure refuge in a sovereign friendly country, he must be languishing now in the catacombs of Mexico City, where his tormentors are making sure that he will remain isolated and is never allowed to attempt a comeback. They are a wicked lot, but also undeniably sharp learners. They will use every tool at their disposal to make sure Morales does not spring on them a nasty surprise, as Lula just did.

Western Media Whitewash US-Backed Coup in Bolivia

With Bolivia’s former President Evo Morales fleeing for his life to Mexico, the Andean country is on the brink of escalating civil strife and a potential take-over by military rulers. Reports of lawmakers belonging to Morales’ socialist party being attacked by riot police and shut out from parliament, where they still hold a majority of seats, raises fears that Bolivia is descending into the anarchy and dark past of former military dictatorships.

The Ochelli Effect – Resistance War Against America

From Ochelli.com The Resistance War Against America is better known as The Vietnam War. Mike Swanson is currently working on a series of books devoted to the war. Chuck and Mike discussed a wide range of individuals and historical realities related to many aspects of the conflict. Chuck discusses the flow of events in 1967 […]

Ousted Bolivian President Morales Arrives in Mexico, Vows to Keep Fighting

After being forced to resign from office by his country’s military leaders over the weekend, Bolivian President Evo Morales and other members of his administration also came under direct physical attack by US-backed right-wing ‘opposition’ mobs, including threats to their families.
As a result, Morales was forced to flee his home and fly to Mexico, where he has been offered asylum by the administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.