Evo Morales

La Grande Interview : Evo Morales

Alors que le président bolivien Evo Morales a été victime de nombreuses tentatives de coup d’état pendant ses mandats successifs, il a finalement décidé de quitter le pouvoir le 10 novembre 2019, suite à une quatrième élection très contestée. Il est parti en exile au Mexique, dans un contexte de début de guerre civile probablement alimentée depuis l’étranger (depuis Washington pour être plus précis).

Why a Second American Revolution Is Necessary for the Entire World

On November 11th, the very disturbing but clearly true “Lessons To Learn From The Coup In Bolivia” was posted to the Web. That anonymous author (a German intelligence analyst) documented the evilness of the overthrow of Evo Morales in Bolivia, and the threat now clearly posed to the world by the US regime — a spreading cancer of expansionist fascism, led from Washington.

Bolivia’s Coup Gov’t Targets Alternative Media as Crackdown Turns Increasingly Violent

Facing increased resistance to its rule, the new “transition” government of Jeanine Añez in Bolivia has begun to purge and censor potential threats to its authority, including in the media. TeleSUR, an international media network that began as a collaboration between left-wing Latin American nations, including deposed President Evo Morales’ Bolivia and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, and which espouses an openly leftist and anti-imperialist outlook, received confirmation that it would be taken off the airwaves as part of what the government calls a “reorganization” of the airwaves.

They’re Killing Us Like Dogs: A Massacre in Bolivia and a Plea for Help

I am writing from Bolivia just days after witnessing the November 19 military massacre at the Senkata gas plant in the indigenous city of El Alto, and the tear-gassing of a peaceful funeral procession on November 21 to commemorate the dead. These are examples, unfortunately, of the modus operandi of the de facto government that seized control in a coup that forced Evo Morales out of power.