Evo Morales

Time to Cry for Bolivia

“Silent, mournful, abandoned, broken, Bolivia recedes into darkness.”
Winston Churchill’s famous ament for the betrayal of Czechoslovakia to the Nazis by the Western democracies in 1938 applies today to the shameless toppling of the lawful, democratically elected government of Bolivia and the new dark age of repression, exploitation and torture that now threatens to engulf its people.

Bolivia’s Dictator Seeks to Annihilate Opposition From Exile

Imperialism’s removal of socialist Latin American leaders follows the same trajectory of earlier US-backed military coups in the region. Following Bolivian President Evo Morales’s departure from his country as dictator Jeanine Añez took power, the left in Bolivia has been accused of terrorism, even as the military and right-wing mobs have assaulted the indigenous populations.