Evo Morales

Bolivia: The Right to Communications and Information

Over the past decade, Bolivia has managed some extraordinary achievements, for instance becoming the first country in the world to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals in terms of access to water. In spite of it, these news that could bring hope to people around the world are subjected to censorship from the dominant Latin American and western media. More than that, the media proceeds to relentlessly misinform and demonize all the leaders from the Global South that dare disobey the empire.

Dilma Rousseff, le coup d’État parlementaire a bien lieu

Les citoyens brésiliens ont à subir un nouvel épisode dans le feuilleton tragique qui pèse sur les esprits depuis le printemps. Il fragilise la démocratie de la septième puissance économique mondiale. La présidente Dilma Rousseff est sous le coup d’une procédure d’impeachment depuis le 12 avril 2016. C’est la date à laquelle le parlement avait voté à la majorité le démarrage de la destitution.

Behind the Bolivia Miner Cooperatives’ Protests and the killing of the Bolivian Vice-Minister

The Bolivian cooperatives’ protests and their August 25 killing of the Bolivian Vice Minister of the Interior Rodolfo Illanes requires us to question our assumptions about cooperatives.  What are the Bolivian mining cooperatives? Most began during the Great Depression as miners banded together to work a mine in common.  However, like many cooperatives in the US that arose out of the 1960s, they have turned into small businesses. Regardless of their initial intentions, cooperatives existing in a surrounding capitalist environment must compete in business practices or go under.

Global Economic, Political, and Military Configurations

Mapping the emerging global economic, political and military configurations requires that we examine regions and countries along several dynamic policy axis:
   1. Capitalist versus anti-capitalist
   2. Neoliberal versus anti-neoliberal
   3. Austerity versus anti-austerity
   4. War command centers and war zones
   5. Political change and socio-economic continuity
   6. New Order and political decay