Evan Bayh

Keep Your Eyes on Pence

Two days after the election, the New York Times ran a feel-good editorial.  It was called “Being American in the Trump Years.”  The basic message?  Let’s bury our hatchets, all work together and assure a peaceful transfer of power.  Hey, it’s a democracy.  Way down in the text were the words: “Trump owes nothing to the traditional powers in his party — not the Koch brothers, not the leadership in Congress.”

Ugghhh... Evan Bayh Is Back

Evan Bayh, son of a much admired progressive Indiana senator, Birch Bayh (1963-1981), served as governor of Indiana from 1989 'til 1997 and then ran for his father's old Senate seat. He voluntarily retired in 2010, fearful of being defeated in a building GOP wave, saying at the time "I want to be engaged in an honorable line of work" but instead he became a big time DC lobbyist (and Fox News contributor). He was one of the 2 or 3 most right-wing Democrats in the Senate, was one of Bush's biggest Democratic backers for both his attack on Iraq and for his TARP bankster bailout.