eva bartlett

Liberate Idlib and Syria: The Martyred of Mhardeh Speak Through the Ones They’ve Left Behind

MHARDEH, SYRIA — (War Report) On September 7, Mhardeh, a small Christian town in northern Hama, was targeted with nine Grad missiles — six of which were fitted with internationally-prohibited cluster sub-munitions — by al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists roughly four kilometers away from the town center, occupying the northern Hama countryside areas of Ltamenah and surroundings. Four days later, I went to Mhardeh […]

Damascus Trade Fair and Festival of the Cross Mark the Return of Peace to Much of Syria

DAMASCUS and MAALOULA, SYRIA — (Report) In April 2018 I returned to Syria, visiting recently-liberated areas in eastern Ghouta and also travelling to the southern village of Hadar — which at the time was under continual bombardment by terrorists just to the south, with the assistance of Israel and its observation towers over the region.

Welcome to Hadar: A Village Under Siege by al-Qaeda and Israeli Forces Alike

HADAR, SYRIA — Situated in the northern part of Quneitra governorate, with the towering Jabal al-Sheikh (Mt. Hermon) overlooking it and the region, Hadar is in both a beautiful area of Syria and a dangerous one.
The roughly 10,000 defiant villagers of Hadar are isolated and under constant threat of attack. Until December 2017, Hadar was surrounded on three sides by terrorists and was attacked many times.

With Progressives Like These, Who Needs Conservatives?

NEW YORK — In April, in the days after Western diplomats, aid workers, and reporters yet again accused Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of using chemical weapons against his own people, the renowned foreign correspondent Eva Bartlett found herself watching a video clip of Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman interviewing Glenn Greenwald, a co-founder of online news publication The Intercept, who said this:

VIDEO: Outrageous CNN Lies About Gaza Debunked

CNN released a video on the 17th of June (2018) in which they “investigated” Palestinian tunnels in Gaza. Ian Lee, spoke to members of the Palestinian resistance organization known as ‘Islamic Jihad.
This CNN report is a prime example of why most people have no understanding of the situation in Gaza. Here is a takedown of CNN’s Israeli ‘Hasbara’ (Propaganda). Watch:

Movie Review ‘The Damp Squibel’: Cult hit or hit cult?

We don't normally do movie reviews here at BSNews. In fact, we usually concentrate exclusively on geo-politics and foreign policy, steer clear of sports and let others cover gossip and popular culture. My co-ed occasionally reveals her anthropological fascination and ultimate exasperation with the insidious twins of celebrity culture and the advertising industry but for me, I avoid them both like the plague, I never watch TV and I wouldn't know a Kardashian if one punched me in the face.