Eva Bartlett.

U.S.-&-allied press is riddled with lies, and most of the ‘alternatives’ also are.

Eric Zuesse This news-report is submitted to all mainstream and most ‘alternative news’ sites, and will likely be published by only a few small sites, the few honest news-sites, because the biggest of all cover-ups by the press is the psychopathic scandalousness of virtually all of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media themselves. Examples will now be provided: […]

Iraq in 2003, Syria today. Similar war crimes, opposite reactions from liberals. (VIDEO)

In 2003, George W. Bush and Anthony Blair sold their illegal war to a frothing mainstream media on the basis that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (lie), Iraqis wanted the West liberate them from their government (lie…even among Saddam opponents), Iraq was a hotbed of terrorism (outrageous lie) and Iraq directly threatened world stability (insane lie).
Many people who opposed the war and its accompanying lies carried placards with slogans including, ‘No blood for oil’, ‘Not in my name’, ‘Bush lied Iraqis died’ and so on.