L'Europe sous le feu des Armées secrètes de l'OTAN

L'actualité peut conduire à remettre sur le tapis des sujets déjà traités, des fragments d'Histoire susceptibles d'apporter des angles différents dans la lecture et l'analyse du présent. Des fragments éparpillés par le souffle puissant de l'oubli, le vent d'une amnésie sélective qui confère aux mémoires engourdies l'économie d'un questionnement sur la nature réelle et les intentions de supposés "amis" et "alliés". Une boucherie. Une boucherie d'une (...)


L'Europe sous le feu des Armées secrètes de l'OTAN

L'actualité peut conduire à remettre sur le tapis des sujets déjà traités, des fragments d'Histoire susceptibles d'apporter des angles différents dans la lecture et l'analyse du présent. Des fragments éparpillés par le souffle puissant de l'oubli, le vent d'une amnésie sélective qui confère aux mémoires engourdies l'économie d'un questionnement sur la nature réelle et les intentions de supposés "amis" et "alliés". Une boucherie. Une boucherie d'une (...)


Breaking News from the All-Powerful Oligarchs of Oz

The crisis in Ukraine has spun the world backward on its axis. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s atypical military campaign, or denazification as some refer to it, has most western nations frantic for solutions. Unfortunately, the NATO and EU states don’t bother to ask the right questions, let alone propose the correct answers. Now, with Russia […]

On Speculations about the Similarities between Taiwan and Ukraine

There is a growing discourse about the striking parallels in the situations around Taiwan and Ukraine. Proponents of geopolitics revive the basic tenet of its modern edition, which was originated by Alfred Thayer Mahan and Halford Mackinder. With certain variations, both of them had, over a hundred years ago, proposed the hypothesis of an irreducible […]

What Happens After the Russia-Ukraine Conflict?

Offering predictions about what will follow the Russia-Ukraine conflict is probably a foolhardy exercise but here a few thoughts that might engender further speculation and discussion. First, after the Ukraine crisis is resolved we’re likely to see a self-congratulatory period in Washington over its temporarily forcing Western European nations into a closer integration with U.S. […]

US Enriches itself at the Expense of the EU Paralized by the Price Shock

Europe has been shaken by galloping gas prices in recent months, leading to financial and socio-political instability in the Old World. There are several reasons for this, one of them being the politics of domestic European speculators, who wanted to get rich quick when, as a result of their blatant Russophobic policies, European officials managed […]

The Crisis in Ukraine is a Planetary Crisis Provoked by the U.S. that Threatens Nuclear War

Let us begin a conversation in response to what currently qualifies as the most profound question, the one that needs most urgently to be addressed if we are to have any chance of understanding what we conveniently refer to as the “Ukraine crisis.” This is, more accurately, a planetary crisis—close in magnitude to the near-certainty […]