

from SGT Report: Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^ BOMBSHELL interview with Pascal Najadi and attorney Todd Callender. The dam of disinformation and lies regarding the Pfizer & Moderna bioweapon vax is breaking with Switzerland and Thailand leading the way by bringing justice to those responsible […]

WAYNE ROOT: Do You Accept a 35% Higher Chance of Dying Today? Well Then I Have Life-or-Death News About the Covid Vaccine For You.

by Wayne Allyn Root, The Gateway Pundit: By Wayne Allyn Root This story is truly incredible and shocking. But then again, I see dozens of shocking stories every week about the data from around the world regarding the Covid vaccine. They’re eye opening. They’re frightening. They all suggest that millions of people have died, and […]

Warning as Merck’s COVID-19 pill molnupiravir is reportedly causing new mutations of the virus

by Arsenio Toledo, Natural News: A new study has found that Merck’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) drug molnupiravir, sold under the brand name Lagevrio, is causing new mutations of the virus in patients. But the Big Pharma company denies the accuracy of the study. The new drug-linked mutations were discovered by American and British researchers. These new variants haven’t […]

Recent Data Shows ‘Stunning Increase’ in Serious Harm Reports in Young Healthy Pilots: Army Lt. Col. Theresa Long

from The Epoch Times: It’s been a year since four Department of Defense (DOD) whistleblowers found a sudden increase in various diseases in the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), which coincided directly with the introduction of COVID-19 vaccinations. Now, new data shows more evidence. That’s according to Lt. Col.Theresa Long, M.D., MPH, a board-certified aerospace medicine doctor […]

Hollywood VAX BRAINWASH: No more movies made until every actor, director, and producer gets the clot shots in the name of “humanity’s better nature”

by S.D. Wells, Natural News: “Vaccine dodgers” will pay the price for their medical choice, according to the Hollywood elitists, and there will be no movies made at all for an entire month, should the “total Hollywood strike” succeed. Rosie O’Donnell, Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sean Penn, and many other liberal vaccine fanatics are ready […]