Eugene Debs

Pie In The Sky-- White Workers Put Their Future In The Hands Of Donald Trump

Last week Noah introduced DWT readers to union activist Joe Hill for a quote he's most famous for, made just before he was executed by a firing squad, "Don't waste any time mourning. Organize!"Hill was a Swedish immigrant who, age 23, came to the U.S. in 1902. He was a day laborer and rose in the ranks of the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World, AKA- the Wobblies).

Once There Were No Primaries-- And The Party Bosses Just Picked The Presidential Nominees

There dream of the Republican establishment this year-- stopping Herr Trumpf and the hated Ted Cruz with a deadlocked, brokered convention-- looks pretty moribund at this point. It looks like Trumpf is on the way to be able to march into Cleveland with all the delegates he needs for a first-ballot nomination. And the Establishment seems resigned to convincing themselves that the world is wonderful because at least they won't have to deal with Cruz. But deep in their hearts I bet they're longing for another era, when party bosses picked presidential candidates, not primaries and caucuses.