Unity or Division? Individual Choice or State Coercion?
Prominent artist promotes brave, big-hearted petition addressed to Singapore's Prime Minister.
Prominent artist promotes brave, big-hearted petition addressed to Singapore's Prime Minister.
Lockdowns and vaccine coercion were protested around the world this weekend, as doctors sang the praises of Ivermectin.
Censorship by corporations is shutting down debate and obliterating parts of the historical record.
ICU doctors say a safe, generic drug can prevent COVID-19. Why aren't we using it?
Should we trust vaccines that are unprecedented in so many respects?
Is the public good guiding government decisions? It doesn't look like it.
Every health system in the world should be keenly interested in Israel's adverse vaccine reactions. But the data doesn't exist.
Highly qualified medical professionals have been objecting for months.
Israeli committee decides pregnant women don't need to be told COVID vaccine risk is wholly unknown.
Saskatchewan surgeon insists on informed consent prior to children receiving COVID-19 vaccines. Health authority fires him before an investigation has even begun.