
Estonian sauna, prostitutes and aggressiveness

Submitted by Viktors Dumbors…
Unfortunately, aggressiveness is the hallmark of our time. People face aggressiveness more and more often. Sometimes the aggressiveness ends without consequences, sometimes innocent people suffer.
This is especially dangerous when they attack those people who they must defend.
On Saturday night, a NATO soldier was aggressive while in the spa at the largest Estonian spa and sauna centre. Mustamyae Elamuste Keskus staff had to call the police.

Sputnik Estonia Journalists to Terminate Employment Over Threats – Rossiya Segodnya

Sputnik – December 31, 2019 Sputnik Estonia journalists are forced to terminate their employment starting January 1, 2020, over a fear of criminal prosecution in the country, Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency said, slamming the Estonian government’s pressure on the journalists as a totalitarian campaign violating the freedom of speech. “Due to the threat of […]

Journalist groups call to protect Sputnik reporters from police harassment in Estonia

RT | December 20, 2019 The International Federation of Journalists urged Estonian authorities to stop threatening journalists working for Russian news media Sputnik Estonia with criminal prosecution over EU sanctions on Russia’s media chief. “Media professionals should be allowed to freely carry out their duties, without threats from higher authorities,” IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger […]

International Federation of Journalists Says Concerned Over Threats to Sputnik Estonia

Sputnik – December 20, 2019 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expressed concern over the threats, received by employees of Sputnik Estonia, and called on Tallinn to respect freedom of media. On Wednesday, the Rossiya Segodnya International News Agency said that employees of Sputnik Estonia had received letters from the Baltic country’s Police and Border […]

‘Shameless Racism’: 13 Countries Change Long-Standing Position on Palestine at UN

Palestine Chronicle – December 5, 2019 For the first time, 13 countries changed their longstanding positions and voted against a pro-Palestine measure at the United Nations on Tuesday. Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Lithuania, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Brazil, and Colombia voted against the annual resolution regarding the “Division for Palestinian Rights […]

Baltics cannot rely on Germany any more

Submitted by Adomas Abromaitis…
On March 29 Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia will celebrate 15 years of becoming NATO member states. The way to the alliance membership was not simple for newly born independent countries. They have reached great success in fulfilling many of NATO demands: they have considerably increased their defence expenditures, renewed armaments and increased the number of military personnel.

Deep State conspiracy to overthrow Trump involved many countries (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the final truth about the Russiagate hoax, which involves, not only the U.S. Deep State and the Hillary Clinton machine, but a variety of foreign actors and intelligence agencies from the five eye nations like UK and Australia, to Ukraine, Israel and Estonia.
Remember to Please Subscribe to The Duran’s YouTube Channel.