establishment politicians

The King of the Hill syndrome and US foreign policy [Video]

Mel Brooks had a famous line in several of his movies: It’s good to be the king. His off-color comedies put this principle into practice to great comedic effect, and although a bit bawdy, the line is certainly memorable. The only problem is that Life does not show that this statement is always true. In fact, quite the opposite. The game King of the Hill, is fun for kids to play, but it is almost always a situation where the “king of the hill” has the most precarious position in the whole game.

2,230 page “Rebuke” of President Trump shows call for further populist revolution

In 2014, conservative voters in the United States were energized to vote Republican because every candidate for Congress in those midterm elections who was a GOP member, campaigned on one theme.
“If you elect me, I will stop Obama.”
In an amazing outburst of consistency, every single GOP candidate that promised this was elected to office in that midterm. This promise was not part of any “platform” that the Republican Party was offering that year. But it was nevertheless what the American voters wanted.