
The FDA Just Failed Women Hurt by Controversial Contraceptive Device

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced Monday that it would place a “black box” warning on a controversial contraceptive device, but stopped short of banning it.
Essure, made by German drugmaker Bayer AG, is a permanent contraceptive device consisting of metal coils that are inserted into the fallopian tubes through the vagina. Once in the fallopian tubes, scar tissue forms around the coils to block a woman’s egg from becoming fertilized.

Health Experts will Meet This Week to Discuss the Dangers of ‘Essure’ Contraceptive Device

Federal health experts are taking another look at Essure, a permanent birth control device for woman that is associated with numerous serious side effects.
The Food and Drug Administration will be asked to consider further clinical studies on Essure, and will be asked to make changes to the device’s warning label.