Ernst Zundel

Mon procès contre Ariane Chemin (9 mai 2017) : pour mémoire, le cas symptomatique de Raul Hilberg

Le plus prestigieux des historiens de ce qu’on appelle « l’Holocauste » ou la « Shoah », ou « l’extermination des Juifs » n’est autre que le professeur Raul Hilberg (1926-2007), juif américain, qui, pour sa part, tenait à parler de ce qu’en termes plus mesurés il appelait « La destruction des Juifs d’Europe » (The Destruction of the European Jews).Dans mon compte rendu de l’audience du 9 mai 2017 du procès que j’ai intenté contre la journaliste Ariane Chemin, relisez de près les termes dans l

Wird Angela Merkel die Lügen von Elie Wiesel übernehmen, insbesondere die über die Vernichtung der Juden in Auschwitz durch Feuer und nicht durch Gas?

Am 24. April 2017 wird Angela Merkel, Kanzlerin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und ehemaliges Mitglied der kommunistischen Jugendbewegung in der seinerzeitigen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, den Elie-Wiesel-Preis annehmen, der ihr vom Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington (s. auch Angela Merkel erhält Elie-Wiesel-Auszeichnung 2017,, 23.

Angela Merkel va-t-elle cautionner les mensonges d’Elie Wiesel et, notamment, son mensonge de l’extermination des juifs, à Auschwitz, par le feu et non par le gaz ?

Le lundi 24 avril 2017, Mme Angela Merkel, chancelière de la République fédérale allemande et ancien membre des Jeunesses communistes au temps de la République démocratique allemande, recevra le prix Elie Wiesel qui lui sera décerné par l’Holocaust Memorial Museum de Washington (voyez USA: le musée de l’Holocauste va remettre le prix Elie Wiesel à Angela Merkel, i24NEWS, 23 mars 2017).  Elie Wiesel, décédé l’an dernier, était ce « grand faux t

Is Angela Merkel going to endorse Elie Wiesel’s lies and, particularly, his lie of the extermination of the Jews at Auschwitz by fire and not by gas?

On Monday, April 24, 2017, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and former member of the Communist “Free German Youth” in the German Democratic Republic, will receive the Elie Wiesel Award from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington (see German Chancellor Merkel to Receive Museum’s 2017 Elie Wiesel Award, USHMM press release of March 23).Elie Wiesel, who died last year, was the “prominent false witness”

Is Donald Trump, denounced as a new Hitler, going to be assassinated?

True to habit, what calls itself “the Left” (nostalgic for the guillotine, for “impure blood” flowing in the streets and ever keen, 72 years after the end of the Second World War, to carry on with a Purge against now bedridden former soldiers) is saying either secular or religious prayers for the assassination of Donald Trump.

'Tis the Season — to Remember

By Michael Hoffmanwww.RevisionistHistory.orgThis is the season of joy and this writer is more hopeful about the future than many of my colleagues in the revisionist world. Yet, when I  meditate on our shortcomings dark clouds can gather. One of these is our amnesia about our own recent history and our apathy about memorializing it. Vicki Weaver and her young son were killed by Federal agents in 1992 at Ruby Ridge, here in Idaho. There is no statue to the victims or any memorial of any kind.

A charlatan’s defense of his Hollywood screenplay

David Hare on writing nothing but the truth about a Holocaust denier The Guardian newspaper (UK) • Sept. 3, 2016 David HareIn 2000 historian David Irving sued author Deborah Lipstadt for her description of him as a Holocaust denier.

Fredrick Töben and Robert Faurisson on Fritz Berg

Fredrick Töben and I have recently exchanged comments via e-mail, which I reproduce here in their entirety.July 10, RF to FTThank you, Fredrick, for defending me. Very best wishes.July 11, FT to RFRobert, I just don’t understand why Fritz continues in this mode – without Faurisson there is no Revisionism; without Berg, there is relief for Revisionists.Your presence and your work is vital – as it was for me those many years ago when we first met!

Fredrick Töben and Robert Faurisson on Fritz Berg

Fredrick Töben and I have recently exchanged comments via e-mail, which I reproduce here in their entirety.July 10, RF to FTThank you, Fredrick, for defending me. Very best wishes.July 11, FT to RFRobert, I just don’t understand why Fritz continues in this mode – without Faurisson there is no Revisionism; without Berg, there is relief for Revisionists.Your presence and your work is vital – as it was for me those many years ago when we first met!