Eric Kingson

Paul Ryan, Self-Proclaimed Champion Of The White Working Class, Declares War On Overtime Pay Expansion

Hispanic voters, fearful of what a Trump presidency could do to their families and communities, are registering to vote at unprecedented rates. Some Republican operatives and stategists think they can overcome that by selling themselves as the party looking out for the interests of the white working class. Well, there's an element of truth in that-- if you're talking about the segment of the white working class that puts a premium on KKK membership and rabid xenophobia. In terms of policies that actually impact the working class... not so much.

Is A DCCC Endorsement For An Establishment Shill Worth Anything In A Primary? A DFA Endorsement Far More Meaningfiul

Friday, the DCCC added 14 candidates to its "Red to Blue" program, primarily by moving mediocre candidates from their "Emerging Races" list, although the DCCC has also chosen sides in the crucial Syracuse, New York-area race in which it has previously been unable to pick between Colleen Deacon, a mediocre candidate backed by Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand and Steve Williams, the Steve Israel candidate.

Taking Out The Blue America Billboard Truck Again-- This Time In Upstate New York

The DCCC has a new trick to help their corrupt conservative candidates steal primaries. Although it hasn't been reported in the lazy Beltway media yet, we've been getting reports from around the country that Steve Israel and the DCCC have been counseling their anti-working family candidates to give up on trying to win on ideas, values and policies and to use dirty tricks instead.

Conservatives Are Still Working Across The Aisle To Wreck Social Security

As the Republican Party has, over the past 3 decades moved further and further right, a certain kind of conservative Democrat unenamored of a progressive world view, has moved in into to fill the void on the center-right that the GOP has abandoned for their more and more commonplace, Hate Talk Radio-driven extremism.

New York State of Mind

-by Tracy B AnnSome people have no sense of place, nowhere that they feel strong ties to, nowhere they can call home. I have a couple. Michigan is where I was born and grew up and it will always be home to me. I live in Tennessee and it’s all right. There are a lot of things that I like about it here. It’s a lot warmer than Michigan, there are nice hills, and, um, it’s warmer than Michigan.I think I’ve been to most states in the country, except Texas. Sorry, but Texas just freaks me out. I was on a tour bus close to getting there once when I had to stop, get off and fly home.

Eric Kingson Reflects On The Legacy Of Dr. Martin Luther King

The day after that speech, April 4, 1968, an earlier version of a prototypical Ted Cruz/Donald Trump/Mike Huckabee supporter shot and killed Dr. King, one of the darkest moments in our country's contemporary history. Today, progressive Democrats are still carrying on Dr. King's struggle against economic inequality and much of what you hear from Bernie Sanders comes straight from Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?, Dr. King's final book, and from his final Poor People's Campaign. Blue America always strives to find candidates who will uphold Dr.