Eric Holder

Holder Deadline for Prosecuting Wall Street Executives for Financial Crisis Passes without a Single Charge

By Noel Brinkerhoff and Danny Biederman | AllGov | May 26, 2015 Shortly before Attorney General Eric Holder left office, he gave his prosecutors 90 days to decide whether to indict any Wall Street executives for decisions that caused the 2008 financial crisis. Holder has now left the building at the Department of Justice (DOJ). […]

From Emmet Till to Michael Brown

As dead black bodies continue to pile and mount up across this nation-state after being murdered at state- and societally-sanctioned hands, it does an old Baby Boomer’s body and soul good to see that yes, finally, a new generation has blown the whistle, and picked up the mantle that my own generation dropped not so long ago. (For the record and for the curious, I’m 65, and have been on the racial battlefield my entire adult life. That means that I’m what we used to call back in the day a “race man” when it comes to black folks – not a “racist,” but a race man.

Family Should Seek Justice, Not Risk More Injustice From the System

The grand jury process in the United States is rigged for the prosecutor. There is an old saying among lawyers “A prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich.” Of course, the reverse is also true; the prosecutor can also prevent an indictment. The prosecutor controls the grand jury process which is conducted in secret without even a judge present. The prosecutor decides what witnesses to call and there is no opportunity for a defense lawyer or attorney for the family to participate.

Wall Street wins again: Bank of America settlement with US government is insufficient, critics say

RT | August 22, 2014 While the US government touted its “record” settlement reached this week with Bank of America for mortgage fraud that helped fuel the 2008 recession, the details of the agreement indicate yet another light punishment for an offending Wall Street titan. Bank of America agreed to a $16.65 billion settlement with […]