
11 Points Is Very Big

  A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll of registered voters shows Trump losing in a 53% to 42% election-- an 11 point deficit. That's a lot. In the 1968 presidential election, the first time I was allowed to vote, Nixon beat Hubert Humphrey by seven-tenths of a point, about half a million votes. Carter beat Ford by 2 points. Four years later, Reagan's landslide win over Carter was 9.7 points.

Trump And His GOP Enablers Have Killed 222,000 Americans With COVID-- And They're Not Even Close To Being Done Yet

 "Don't Let It Dominate Your Life" by Nancy Ohanian Confirmed reports of new COVID cases on Thursday confirmed that the whole world is in the midst of a raging-- not petering out-- pandemic. There were over 390,000 confirmed new cases, spread out worldwide in countries that resist mask wearing.

We're NOT All Gonna Die-- But Far More Of Us Than Need To Will-- Unless Trump Gets It First

Americans' instincts would be to rally around the president in a time of crisis. Yesterday Digby warned that the exception to that rule is when the president is an incompetent, self-serving sociopath. "Some feel," she wrote, "that one should fall in line behind the president when something like this happens, just as a matter of principle. Others think it’s wrong to cast doubt on his abilities and make members of the public even more nervous than they already are.

Gay Identity Politics-- McKinsey Pete

Monday, I responded to a tweet about some random guy primarying Jan Schakowsky (D-IL): "Jan Schakowsky is one of the best members of Congress & is one of the few who has NOT failed us." Notice what I didn't say: Jan Schawkowsky is one of the best female members of Congress" or even "Jan Schawkowsky is one of the best Jewish members of Congress"-- although she is both.

Contest Coming-- Help Tim Canova Pick The Prize

One of the ways Blue America helps the candidates we endorse is by donating rock'n'roll memorabilia from my old days as a music business executive. We're going to do one with Tim Canova next. He's running for the Broward/Miami-Dade seat that Debbie Wasserman Schultz appears to have stolen last cycle. So gave him the choice of a bunch of platinum awards rear were given to me personally. Here's the e-mail Tim sent his supporters yesterday:

Monday Night Music-- What Do People Like Best In Different Places?

OK, so the best selling musical act from Kansas is the band Kansas. How hard would that have been to guess? Or Phish in Vermont? Or that it's Chicago in Illinois (remember them)? And native daughter Madonna in Michigan-- at least it wasn't Nugent or Kid Rock-- and, sadly, the Eagles in California and Prince in Minnesota and Michael Jackson in Indiana. And Mississippi? Well, Elvis of course. How cool is Hawaii, though? Bruno Mars! And Nevada?