Episode 7

DisInfoWars with Tom Secker- The Ethics of Private Investigation

This week I talk to Ed Opperman, a private investigator, author and the host of the radio show The Opperman Report. We discuss the moral challenges of investigation, asking whether private investigators are any more ethical than regular police. Ed shares some stories from his decades working in this field, before we move on and discuss how this applies to the alternative and web-based research subculture.
Listen to the Preview Clip Here

Listen to the full episode here (BFP Subscribers Only):

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: FBI’s Sheep-Dipped Man in a Whistleblowers Organization

Welcome to our seventh episode of Probable Cause. With this episode we are starting a new chain of subtopics within the context of our main topic-revolution. After discussing some of the obstacles in kindling the revolutionary process within individuals’ thoughts, we are moving to various tactics and operations that target revolutionaries during the second stage- collective activism within groups or networks.

On Point with Charlie McGrath- Ukraine Disaster Will Only Get Worse

Charlie McGrath Presents Professor James H. Fetzer
For month the western fomented violence in Ukraine has gone largely unnoticed by western media but with the downing of a Malaysian airliner all attention turns to Ukraine. What brought us here and what comes next?
*James H Fetzer is a philosopher of science. Dr. Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind & philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.
Watch Preview Here:

De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez Presents Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Great Collapse

Failures in the Economy & the End of “Constitutional Government”
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by columnist and former Assistant Security of the Treasury, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. Guillermo and Dr. Roberts discuss the failures of the current economic system in the United States, and how and why the U.S. government can no longer be considered accountable to, or representative of, the people. Also, the importance of confronting these harsh realities, what can be done about it, and much more.