Episode 54

Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Will US Deploy Mercenaries in Syria, Iraq?

Peter B. Collins Presents William Hartung
As the US embarks on a new open-ended war in Iraq and Syria, initial funding is from a Pentagon slush fund, the Overseas Contingency Operations account. Bill Hartung has been analyzing the American war machine for years, and he predicts that military contractors will provide the first “boots on the ground” as trainers and fighters—likely to be followed by uniformed troops. He notes that, so far, no inspector general has been authorized for the new war, so there are few obstacles to profiteers.

De-Manufacturing Consent- Iraq, 9/11(What’s In Those 28 Pages?) & Scottish Independence

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Doug Owen
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by Doug Owen, senior editor of Blacklisted News, host of Blacklisted Radio, and co-host of The DoomCast. We discuss the latest round of US military aggression in Iraq, why the “war fatigued” American public appear to be largely in favor of the attack, and what it has to do with September 11, 2001.