Episode 1

DisInfoWars with Tom Secker- Are Conspiracy Theories a Good Thing?

In the opening episode of this new show Tom explores the question of conspiracy theories and the roles they can play and effects they can have, both good and bad.  He offers the case study of a documentary about a teenager who tried to incite his own murder through an internet chatroom, and draws out some parallels between that story and how people engage with conspiracy theories.  He also explains a little about what to expect from the show as it progresses, and asks for your opinions and answers to this question.
Listen to the Preview Clip Here

BFP Roundtable Video (Pilot) – Guantanamo, Iran, Open Source & More!

A Brand New Roundtable Discussion Featuring Sibel Edmonds, Peter B. Collins & James Corbett
Welcome to the pilot edition of BFP Roundtable. In this episode Peter, James and I are discussing recent developments on Iran, Open Source, CBS-60 Minutes’ Misinformation Campaign, what we are planning for Boiling Frogs Post, and why we need you. Be prepared, because some of us, all right, maybe one of us, is going to appear way too unplugged!