Episode 18

DisInfoWars with Tom Secker: Was Guy Fawkes a Patsy?

The Gunpowder Plot is the most famous terrorist conspiracy in British history and one of the most famous in the world. The name 'Guy Fawkes' is familiar to almost anyone who speaks English, but this was a much larger and more complex event than we have been led to believe, particularly by Hollywood versions like V For Vendetta. In this episode I offer a background history of the conflict between the Catholic Church and the English monarchy and outline the competing theories and interpretations of what happened. Was this a genuine rebellion? An elitist uprising? A fake plot?

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Psychopathic Rulers & Docile-Gullible Subjects: A Symbiotic Relationship?

Welcome to our eighteenth episode of Probable Cause. In this episode we’ll be discussing psychopathy- specifically psychopathic players within the Deep State, political and bureaucratic arenas, including a few significant variables that seem to be completely disregarded or kept at bay by many publications and discussion forums.

De-Manufacturing Consent- Made in the SHADE: The Global Power Elite & Geo-Engineering

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Jason Bermas
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by documentary filmmaker and political activist, Jason Bermas. We discuss Jason’s latest film, SHADE: The Motion Picture, and explore many of the issues raised in the documentary, including: the global power elite, the Bilderberg Group, geo-engineering and climate change, technology and surveillance, and much more. Also, Jason addresses some of the criticism levied at the film and answers specific questions raised by debunkers.