Episode 17

DisInfoWars with Tom Secker: Mystery of Martial Bourdin

Martial Bourdin was an anarchist who accidentally blew himself up near the Greenwich Royal Observatory in London in 1894. This event formed the basis for a book by Joseph Conrad and a film by Alfred Hitchcock, but behind the absurdity and horror lies a familiar tale of secret agents, insider accounts and the advancement of the security state. This week we examine the mystery of the death of Martial Bourdin, the problems of the official record and the secrecy surrounding the infiltration of the anarchist movement in this period.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- When One for All-All for One Works: Power in Numbers?

Welcome to our seventeenth episode of Probable Cause. In our previous episode we discussed the realities of whistleblowing, and explored the reasons for there being dozens or more silent witnesses for every whistleblower-for every truth-teller. Today, in this episode, we are going to further this angle, and delve deeper into those reasons. We will expand our context from government whistleblowers to mainstream media reporters.