It's Not Just Trump-- The Whole GOP Has A Really Bad Way Of Dealing With The Concept Of An EPA

Remember when Trump finally fired Scott Pruitt as EPA head? Did you think he’d find someone less antagonistic towards the environment to replace him? Of course you didn’t. And he didn’t. He named a former coal lobbyist, Andrew Wheeler, as the acting chief and on Friday he announced he’ll submit him to the Senate as the EPA head.

EPA Continues to Approve Hundreds of Dangerous PFAS Chemicals

WASHINGTON — Despite widespread evidence of the long-term danger and devastating consequences, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has continued approving new versions of a family of industrial chemicals known as perfluoroalkyls or PFAS.
Publicly, the EPA has condemned the use of PFAS and supported efforts to curb the public health crisis the chemicals pose, while claiming to prioritize decontamination efforts.

Future Generations Will Mourn What the EPA Did on 9/11

The White House wants to clear the way for frackers to release more methane, which poisons communities and torches the climate. (OW Op-ed) — September 11 is already an annual day of mourning. But while the nation grieved over victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Trump administration’s Environmental Protection Agency announced a plan future generations may well […]

Homespun Terrorism

For years now NSA and the Pentagon have feared foreign terrorists poisoning aquifers and municipal water supplies.
Come to find out, forget those foreign terrorists!  The poisoning is already happening, internally, homespun! ISIS and al Qaeda are not needed. We’re poisoning our own people without the assistance of professional terrorists.
It’s homespun terrorism, right here in the good ole US-of-A, and the Trump administration is turbo-charging that terrorism by hacking apart the EPA.
Want proof: Ask any long-standing EPA employee about it: They’re aghast!