
Leftist Environmentalists Are Protesting a Clean Power Project

Environmentalists in New England are opposed to a proposal that would provide an abundance of clean hydropower, hundreds of jobs, and millions of dollars in annual revenue. The energy project would use hydro-electric power from a series of dams in Canada and delivered via cables through Maine to Massachusetts. The objections range from the impact the cables might have on forests to the fact that the plan would not reduce global emissions of CO2. [...]

Monbiot Is a Hypocrite and a Bully

It is time for George Monbiot’s legion of supporters to call him out. Not only is he a hypocrite, but he is becoming an increasingly dangerous one.
Turning a blind eye to his behaviour, or worse excusing it, as too often happens, has only encouraged him to intensify his attacks on dissident writers, those who – whether right or wrong on any specific issue – are slowly helping us all to develop more critical perspectives on western foreign policy goals than has ever been possible before.

Scientist Faces Criminal Charges because Environmentalists Didn’t Like His Work

A prominent glaciologist, Ricardo Villalba, is facing criminal charges in Argentina after he released a glacier survey that angered environmental activists because it didn’t result in the closing of a gold mine that is responsible for two cynaide spills. Environmentalists allege Villalba rigged the glacier survey to favor mining interests, but other scientists overwhelmingly support Villalba's analysis, saying this is a politically motivated witch hunt. [...]

Greenpeace: Logging Company Used Organized Crime Laws To Attack Environmentalists

Greenpeace on Tuesday accused a logging company of misusing federal anti-racketeering laws to attack environmental groups that criticize its logging in North America’s largest forest.
“This is a completely inappropriate remedy,” Greenpeace attorney Laura Handman said during a motion to dismiss hearing Tuesday. “[RICO] was originally designed to reach organized crime, but now it’s being used to reach environmental organizations.”

Harvey: Fierce Climate Change at Work

Is Harvey a force of nature or something more?
Clearly, Harvey is a natural disaster of monstrous proportions. Its destructiveness is the hottest topic on TV coast-to-coast and around the world. Still, cynics of climate change say natural disasters, like hurricanes, are normal and nothing more than nature’s way. The evidence, however, points in another direction; climate change is no longer simply nature doing its thing. It’s lost purity of the force of nature, only nature.

Resting Sea Shepherd: A Pause in the Whale War Saga

What a colourful run this outfit has had. Branded in 2013 by Judge Alex Kozinski of the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit as pirates, the Sea Shepherd crew will be hanging up their hooks while rethinking their whale protection strategy.  Their long designated enemy, the Japanese whaling fleet, will be given some respite this hunting season.