
Perception Management: Psychology, A Messiah called Greta & the "Climate Emergency Movement"

Anyone who naively believes that the "extinction rebellion" and the house burning rubbish is anything but pure perception management aka mind control... MOVE ON. You can't be helped. Remain willfully blind.  If you want to understand how you, I and billions of others are being played on a global scale?

Police In Turkey's Black Sea Region Seize 18 Grams Radioactive Californium

Worth about 72 million dollars. What to make of this type of material being transported?Who were these smugglers? How did the smugglers gain access to this material?Why did they have it?What was their end goal in smuggling it?Had it been sold to some other person/party already and the smugglers were delivering?Was it to be used in covert oil production? Mining?Or was it's intended purpose something else entirely?

"Global Warming Morphs Into the Solar Minimum"

Global Warming Morphs Into the Solar Minimum; From Counterpunch. Yes, Counterpunch.(I'm no fan of counterpunch, but, this piece was actually worth reading)Excerpts in blue below- Read entirely at the link above.Digression: As we continue on with consistently  much cooler then seasonal norm temperatures and lots of rain. This past week end was down right chilling!