
Perspectives on the Pandemic | Professor Knut Wittkowski | Episode 2

hattip YayaIf you haven't watched the video in the previous post, why haven't you?  

Yet, another day of lock down surely affords you the time to get informed? And so.. here's another highly informative video. Share both these videos.No fear. No hysteria. That's what we all need!

Greed-a Thunberg CAPITALIZES on Cult Status Trademarking “ Friday’s for Future”

Capitalize- To Gain Advantage from“Friday’s for the Future”. Will that become as widely used as TGIF? If "everybody's workin' for the week end",is Friday really the future?Maybe it's Saturday?  As the life hating cult continues to exploit the inculcated, we can simply imagine the merchandise that can be sold for profit..  Undoubtedly lots of unnecessary junk can be created to enrich Greed-a and her ilk.

Stupid is As Stupid Does “ Genetically Modified “Self Limiting” Moths Successfully Released?

  Won’t be to far down the road before some of us will be reading about the disastrous affects of this, for profit and believe me this is a for profit only venture. Despite the ‘green’ spin, this is about profit, control and control for profit. And NOTHING else.Round up contaminated everything and it wasn’t supposed to.. Creating superweeds galore.... but believe the company looking to make massive profits when they state this "self limiting moth"  is hunky dory & environmentally friendly.

Greta's Endless Hot Air Leaves Me Cold- Record Breaking Cold and Snow: Updated

  Did you spot the contradiction in the headline? Hot Air can't Leave me Cold.And "global warming" can't be the cause of record cold and snow in the fall/autumn. As we bask in January like temperatures here, with 30 cms/ 12 inches of snow just outside, the question is ... where's the warming?- Cold being the absence of heat and it's unusually abnormally cold. And global warming, aka AGW, aka human caused carbon warming, cannot bring the cold.

The Heat is On...... Top Ten Reasons Why the Greta Phenomena is Fraudulent

..............In my house.  On October 5/19My furnace is running right now. The overnight low was 4.6 C. About 40 F, for my American readers. All day yesterday was cold. Never hitting 10 C instead hovering just below at 9.8 C.So the house never warmed up at all. Therefore my furnace is on and running. Hoping this will be an anomalous day and will warm back up to seasonal temps. Hoping that is?Last year the first day the heat was used to warm my house was October 12/2018.