
Under COVID cover, ‘green’ Gavin Newsom gives go-ahead for more Fracking in California

It’s often been said that in the United States you have one party (Big Government) with two branches (Democrats and Republicans). While Democrats talk a big game about being America’s ‘green’ guardians of the environment, in the end both parties will bow to transnational corporations if the price is right.

Essence, Energy & Aristotle – Dr. David Bradshaw, Jay Dyer, Fr Dcn Ananias

The eminent Orthodox scholar and professor Dr. David Bradshaw, author of the well-known book Aristotle: East and West joins me and Lewis and Fr. Dcn Dr. Ananias to discuss all the hot topics – Aristotle and his different use in East and West, the Orthodox fathers and philosophy, the essence – energy distinction in Aristotle and beyond, the Logos and the Logoi, the western conception of simplicity in Aquinas and Roman Dogma, natural theology, and the critics.

Drilling for Oil:  A Global Problem on Our Doorstep

These days, local is global.  Dorset is a small rural county on England’s south coast.  That doesn’t mean that its inhabitants aren’t worried about climate change.  They are.  Very.  Unfortunately, Dorset Councillors are more concerned about following government policies, policies that back using public money to invest in climate-damaging projects.  ‘Global’ doesn’t do ‘local’.  Global makes money for corporations and their investors, not the people who have to live with the result.

Putin Unleashes Strategic Hell on the U.S.

I am an avid board game player. I’m not much for the classics like chess or go, preferring the more modern ones. But, regardless, as a person who appreciates the delicate balance between strategy and tactics, I have to say I am impressed with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s sense of timing.
Because if there was ever a moment where Putin and Russia could inflict maximum pain on the United States via its Achilles’ heel, the financial markets and its unquenchable thirst for debt, it was this month just as the coronavirus was reaching its shores.