
OPEN DEBATE! Brian Holdsworth, The Problem of Evil, Protestant Canon, Energies & More! VS. Jay Dyer

Today is another open forum! It’s time for atheists, Roman Catholics, Protestants – Lutherans, calvinists, evangelicals, etc., Muslims, pagans and more, to call in and offer their best replies and challenges! Topics include TAG, presupp, metaphysics, epistemology, skepticism, materialism, universals, logos/logoi, ethics, and more! Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at […]

The Monarchy of God the Father, The Filioque & Unitarian Arguments – Dr Beau Branson & Jay Dyer

Live Tues. Night at 8PM EST Dr Branson returns to discuss the deeper Trinitarian issues surrounding the monarchy of God the Father, the Cappadocian teaching at Constantinople 1, the contentious quotes about existing through and from, and much more from Dr Branson! Dr Beau is here. Sign up for Richard Grove’s newest course on becoming […]

From Movies to Apologetics: Jay on Freed Indeed Podcast

In this interview, we get to meet Jay Dyer. Apologist, comedian, and Orthodox Christian. We had a great time discussing Jay’s background and how he came into the Orthodox Church. As well as discussing some apologetics topics and even getting questions answered from fans regarding eschatology and theology. Freed Indeed is here. Remember to boost […]

Open Debate -Ancient Faith Comes After Us Again! Orthodrama on Twitter, TAG, Atheism & Energies

TODAY we will open it up again for an apologetic exchange and discourse as we allow the opponents from Protestantism, Catholicism, Islam and any manner of cults and sectarian groups to come on and make their argument for why their position is correct. Topics include: atheism, philosophy, thomism, energies and divine simplicity, TAG and presuppositional […]

Roman Catholicism Admits Orthodox Positions…Again: David Erhan & Snek with Jay Dyer

Today we will cover the recent Alexandria document which, much like Chieti, admits many contentions Orthodox have leveled for centuries. Is this consistent however with Vatican 1’s claims? Snek and David join me to discuss. David is here: https://www.youtube.com/@therealMedWhite Snek is here: https://twitter.com/Real_Rye_Bread Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles – July 6 […]

Comment la France va-t-elle s’en sortir ? Loïk Le Floch-Prigent – Thinkerview

 Loïk Le Floch-Prigent : Ingénieur et ancien PDG de Elf Source : Thinkerview, Youtube, 14-12-2022 Nous vous proposons cet article afin d'élargir votre champ de réflexion. Cela ne signifie pas forcément que nous approuvions la vision développée ici. Dans tous les cas, notre responsabilité s'arrête aux propos que nous reportons ici. [Lire plus]Nous ne […]

Trent Horn, Matt Fradd, TAG & The One & Many, Borgias, Energies & Created Grace – Jay Dyer

Open Forum! Time to discuss Triad, Logos, philosophy, logic & logoi, typology, atheism, and whatever your arguments and objections are! Today’s questions focused on one and many, Logos and energies, the Triad and uncreated grace, the papacy and Trent horn, matt fradd and more! Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at […]

Industrie fossile : et si on nationalisait les grands groupes pétroliers ?

Selon l’économiste Robert Pollin, la nationalisation n’est pas une panacée, mais elle permettrait d’éliminer les obstacles que les grandes compagnies pétrolières mettent en travers de la voie du financement public des investissements dans les énergies propres. Source : Consortium News, Jessica CorbettTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Dans le sillage d’un rapport des Nations […]