
What Will Obama's Presidential Library Cost The Progressive Movement?

When Obama stabbed Joe Sestak in the back during the 2010 Pennsylvania primary in the ill-conceived establishment rush to support Republican-turned-faux-Democrat Arlen Specter, Specter was up by 30 points. The earliest polls all showed Spector crushing Sestak. Three months after Specter switched parties, the July 19, 2009 Quinnipiac poll, for example, had Specter running away with it, 55-23%. The whole corruption-ridden Democratic Establishment, especially corporate Democrats Ed Rendell, Harry Reid and Joe Biden put pressure of Sestak to drop out.

If You Were A Candidate, Would You Want A Gaggle Of Corrupt DC Lobbyists Like Haley Barbour Raising Money For You?

Why is our government such a mess? Follow the moneyBy 2008, no one considered reactionary Georgia Blue Dog John Barrow an actual Democrat. He was voting for the toxic Republican agenda more consistently than a dozen Republicans were! That year progressives in Georgia felt they had finally found a candidate who could beat him in a primary, highly respected and accomplished state Sen.

Progressives Betrayed By The Establishment... Again

As progressive champion Alan Grayson continued to pull ahead of Republican-lite Congressman Patrick Murphy in polling for the Florida Senate primary, Obama weighed in with an endorsement. He's certainly entitled to his opinion, parroting the exact Chuck Schumer talking points he hands out to all the stooges he gets to endorse his corrupt conservative little Schumercrat: "a tireless champion for middle-class families," a sad joke on the American people.

Herr Trumpf's Barrage Against Trey Gowdy Isn't Really About Rubio Being A Threat

Will Herr Trumpf schlong the Republican Party?Herr Trumpf fired a warning shot-- a heavy calibre one-- over the bow of congressional Republicans. So far not a single member of the House or Senate has endorsed him. And some-- like Bob Dold (IL), David Jolly (FL) and Carlos Curbelo (FL)-- have actually said they won't vote for him if he's the party nominee. His opponents, however all have congressmen and senators coming out for them. Herr takes those endorsements as rebukes.

Yes, Elizabeth Warren Is Well Aware That Hillary Is Better Than Trumpf, Cruz And Rubio

Tuesday evening Rachel Maddow had Bernie Sanders on her show. The video is embedded above. It's worth watching if you're trying to decide if he's the candidate you want to see go up against whichever garbage the GOP nominates for president. As you've probably seen, recent head-to-head match-ups show Bernie doing significantly better than Hillary against Trumpf, Cruz, Rubio, Jeb and any of the other plausible Republikanische contenders.

Hillary Is Better Than Any Of The Republicans Running For President But, At Least At This Point, That's Not Good Enough

Last night Dr. Richard Champion showed us how Hillary had helped enable BP and their offshore drilling that resulted in the world's worst marine oil spill in 2010 off the coast of Louisiana. On the Senate floor she literally said "not in the Finger Lakes" and "not off Long Island" while voting for Bobby Jindal's bill that led directly to a spill that cost U.S.

I'd Never Vote For Hillary-- But Some Of My Best Friends Plan To

Hillary is better than theseI want to get something off my chest and I figure late night on a Sunday is as close to yelling at a wall as I'm going to get. Personally, I have no intention of voting for Hillary Clinton ever, obviously not in a primary, but not even against an outright fascist like Cruz or Trump, one of whom is likely to be the GOP nominee.