
Mayo Pete Gets A New Hampshire Endorsement From The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party

Today Ann Kuster appeared at a Mayo Pete rally in Concord, New Hampshire, having just endorsed him the day before. Kuster herself has been an especially bitter disappointment for progressives since she first took her seat in Congress in 2013, quickly joining the Wall Street-owned and operated New Dems and abandoning all the progressive rhetoric she had used to defeat Republican Charlie Bass.

Bernie And Biden Are Getting Significantly Different Types Of Endorsements

If I were Status Quo Joe, I'd be embarrassed to admit I was endorsed by California New Dem Ami Bera, a member of Congress so toxic that the California Democratic Party decided to not back him for reelection. After all, caught in an illegal campaign finance scheme, he let his elderly father take the rap and go to prison in his place! In fact, when you go through the list of members who've endorsed Biden, most are embarrassing-- Blue Dogs and New Dems from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party.

Democrats Need Someone Who Can Defeat Trump-- And That's Bernie, Not A Pale And Doddering Imitation Of Hillary

Yesterday, Bernie had an immense endorsement-- the Sunrise Movement. There were three more notable Bernie endorsements as well, one from Kshama Sawant, a Socialist member of the Seattle City Council, one from actress Emily Ratajkowski, which you can watch in the video below, and one from the Dream Defenders.

Status Quo Joe Gets Another Meaningless Endorsement

ZzzzzzzzzzThe Status Quo Joe campaign intends on rolling out every endorsement it can from status quo establishment politicians. His endorsers tend to be uninspiring centrist, play-it-safe careerists who no one cares about one way or the other. In other words, turgid, vision-free political hacks like himself. For example, he's been endorsed by 5 current U.S. senators (and 10 former senators).

Do Endorsements From Musicians Mean Anything When It Comes To Voting?

A reporter from Billboard called the other day to ask if association with musicians who endorse candidates is dangerous. I was right in the middle of putting together our next Blue America contest, which is a benefit for Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), the prize being an ultra-rare original Nirvana gold record (Nevermind) before they were really famous. Is the association with Nirvana going to help or hurt Jayapal, who has a strong presence of her own as the author of the new and improved Medicare-for-All bill and as the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Congress.