
The Ancient Agonies of the Unelected OverLords

They didn’t have a choice, those infant twins abandoned into the river Tiber. We can only imagine what their Mother went through. What feelings would have washed the womb of the infants, when the Royal Mother knew that her babies would be murdered at birth by her uncle? The Palace servants were ordered to drown […]
The post The Ancient Agonies of the Unelected OverLords first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Trump And The Military-- A Very Bad Match

Mark Hertling is a retired Lt. General, who wrote, yesterday at CNN.com, that "If you ask people who haven't served in uniform what it takes to be a great military leader, many would say "strength," "toughness" or "courage." People who have served-- and particularly those who have had the honor of commanding-- will tell you there's a lot more to it. Leaders-- military or otherwise-- need character, intellect, vision, humility and will. Leaders also need empathy.

Trump Targets Californians For Reprisals-- Californians Will Defeat More Republicans In 2020, Including Him

Active Shooter by Nancy OhanianGoing into 2018, there were 14 Republicans in California's delegation to Congress, including 4 in Orange County alone. When the new Congress was sworn in, there were no longer any Republicans representing Orange County and the Republicans in the statewide delegation had been halved.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahA simple question for us all: Can you imagine yourself needing crib notes when you encounter someone who has lost a dear friend or loved one in a hail of bullets? Even their child! I doubt that you are that devoid of empathy for others. Only the worst examples of humanity are. Clearly, Donald J. Trump is one of those.On Wednesday, Trump, held a little pretend-you-care get together in the oval office.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 118 Let’s Sell These People a Piece of Blue Sky with Jon Atack

This week I am joined by legendary Scientology critic and writer Jon Atack. We begin our conversation by discussing Jon’s time as a Scientologist from 1974-1983 where he attained OT level 5. Jon discusses his disillusionment with Scientology in the 1980’s and the process by which he left the group. Jon also speaks about the the abuse he faced after leaving and the lengths Scientology went to after he published Let’s Sell These People a Piece of Blue Sky.

Is there Such A Thing As A Racist With Empathy?

Yesterday, Paul Ryan was on MSNBC-- not with one of their normal anchors, but with far right resident loon Hugh Hewitt. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, they decided Trump has sympathy for the victims of the hurricanes. "I have talked to him about these things," said Ryan. "He has tremendous compassion... He is flying to these emergencies as soon as he can without jeopardizing responses. He is stopping what he's doing.

How the US election result could trigger a society of empathy

For those shocked by the election result, anger and blame may be convenient ways to make sense of it. But Charles Eisenstein, who predicted Trump’s victory, says that in this time of uncertainty there is an opportunity for empathy to drive a new political storyThe post How the US election result could trigger a society of empathy appeared first on Positive News.