Eloise Reyes

Electing Democrats Isn't The Solution-- Electing Progressives Is... Take California, For Example

Bad news for conservative Democrat Cheryl Brown and his lobbyist buddiesYesterday the Courage Campaign released its report card for the California legislature-- and if you're laboring under the delusion that a Democratic majority and a Democratic governor means everything's going to be hunky-dory... a look at the scores will soon disillusion you.

Tomorrow: A Battle Between The Two Wings Of The Democratic Party-- the Republican Wing And The Democratic Wing

Millions of Democrats are eligible to go to the polls tomorrow and put their collective foot down and stop the rise of the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. There are primaries in New Jersey, Iowa, Montana, and California where the two wings are in deadly conflict. In most cases, most Democrats aren't even bothering to learn the issues or understand that the primary tomorrow is as important-- or in many cases-- more important than the November election. Far more Democrats will not vote tomorrow than will vote.

Next Batch Of Key Primaries-- A Week From Today

L.A.'s dirtiest politician, Wendy Greuel, learned her political skills while she was still openly admitting she was a Republican. Vicious, negative campaigning is all she's ever knownA week from today there are important primaries in Iowa-- where progressive champion Pat Murphy is leading comfortably in his crowded House race-- in New Jersey and in California (as well as in some other states without significant Democratic contests).

Endorsements Mean Something-- Sometimes They're A Warning From Malevolent Forces

Not everybody studies the records of politicians asking for their votes. I do. But for many people, at least some of the time, it's pretty much essential to consider what a trusted organization recommends. When I see the DCCC has jumped in strong for a candidate, it always makes me reticent and makes me wonder what's wrong with the candidate. Are they weak on core progressive values? Are they prone to taking orders from the top? Are they prone towards corruption?

Race For The Inland Empire Congressional Seat Heats Up

The Republican wing of the Democratic Party, the New Dems, has endorsed their perfect little corporate stooge-- empty suit and Chamber of Commerce front man Pete Aguilar. Aguilar ran all over the California state Democratic Party convention with shameless corporate whores Gavin Newsom and Eric Bauman assuring all the delegates he's a progressive.

What Kind Of Democrat Calls Himself A "Reagan Fiscal Conservative" In A Primary?

The other day, we mentioned that the two conservative Dems in the Inland Empire congressional race (CA-31), Joe Baca and Pete Aguilar, are slugging it out over which one is worse on the environment. They're both really awful. Aguilar, a former bank lobbyist for the failed Arrowhead Savings and Loan, is the picture of sleazy insider corruption and his entire career has been predicated on his eagerness to cozy up with the Chamber of Commerce Republicans who control the Redlands area.

Another Blow To Steve Israel's Anti-Progressive Electoral Strategy-- This Time In San Bernardino

Crooked small town mayor wants Steve Israel to get him into CongressLast week we looked at Eloise Reyes' first ad in the Inland Empire's CA-31 congressional race and, once again, examined the myriad contrast between her and the pathetic empty suit the DCCC is trying to foist off on the working families of San Bernardino, Pete Aguilar, a pawn of the Chamber of Commerce and of wealthy Repu