Elizabeth Warren

TPP Deal Has Been Signed But... It Still Has No Basis In Law. Bernie Would Scrap It; Would The Establishment Candidates?

When I was around 16 I decided to leave home and go to the most remote place on earth, an island kingdom called Tonga. I hitch-hiked from Brooklyn to San Pedro (the Los Angeles harbor) to stow away on a ship to Hawaii so I could stow away on a ship to New Zealand so I could get on the twice annual mail boat to Tonga. And start my new life. I got caught hiding in a lifeboat on the first ship before the ship to Hawaii had left San Pedro. Chances are something would have gone wrong sooner or later on that plan.

On To New Hampshire-- And Another Reason Hillary Should Drop Out And Endorse Bernie

A few years ago I read Elizabeth Warren's book, A Fighting Chance and I remember being very impressed with a story about how then First Lady Hillary Clinton had single-handedly turned around the Administration on a toxic brankuptcy bill and persuaded her husband to veto it at the very end of 2000. It actually made me feel good about Hillary. But, it turns out, I didn't actually have the full story.

Chamber of Commerce Expects Clinton To Support TPP as President

Chamber of Commerce chief Tom Donohue explaining to viewers on the Bloomberg wealth channel how the wealthy plan to pass TPP despite public opposition (source). That's the beautiful snow of a Davos resort in the background.by Gaius PubliusThis is the essence of money talking about money at a place where money's private jets have gathered to meet (the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland).

Yes, Elizabeth Warren Is Well Aware That Hillary Is Better Than Trumpf, Cruz And Rubio

Tuesday evening Rachel Maddow had Bernie Sanders on her show. The video is embedded above. It's worth watching if you're trying to decide if he's the candidate you want to see go up against whichever garbage the GOP nominates for president. As you've probably seen, recent head-to-head match-ups show Bernie doing significantly better than Hillary against Trumpf, Cruz, Rubio, Jeb and any of the other plausible Republikanische contenders.