electronic surveillance

Obama, Drones And The National Surveillance State-- Speech Mañana

Just over a week ago, we presented a post featuring JFK ruing the day he had ever decided to keep Allen Dulles as head of the CIA. NOt just that-- JFK was ruing the day he had ever gotten into business with the CIA at all. Incredibly incompetent and determined to run its own unaccountable proto-fascist foreign policy, the CIA, Kennedy came to realize, was the center of evil in American politics.

The FISA court, our supposed guardian against abuse of national-security surveillance, sez "Who, us?"

Judge Walton says: "The FISC is forced to rely upon the accuracy of the information that is provided to the Court. The FISC does not have the capacity to investigate issues of noncompliance."by KenYou want a good laugh?You know the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the one created by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to issue surveillance warrants in cases too secret to go through normal court channels?

When we make "tradeoffs" for "national security," shouldn't we know what we're trading off?

"Since President Obama is asking us to trade some of our privacy with respect to our phone calls and our use of the Internet for greater protection against terrorism, at the very least we need to know exactly how our privacy is being violated."-- Aryeh Neier, in a New York Review of Books blogpost,"Spying on Americans: A Very Old Story"by KenIn this voluminous NYRB blogpost (I'm thinking it mus