Election Meddling

Will the Senate Intelligence Committee dare to invite Assange and Steele to testify (Video)

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr stated that after 19 months of a “frustrating as hell” probe into ‘Trump-Russia collusion’, the committee has found “no factual evidence” to support the claims being investigated by the Mueller special counsel.
In an interview with the AP, Burr (R-North Carolina), who heads the last bipartisan probe into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election said there is “no factual evidence today that [it] received” on any collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia after almost two years of the probe.

Worried About Election Interference? 5 Times the US Meddled in Foreign Elections

Washington D.C. – If you read any article about the “Russian hacking” or “U.S. election interference” you will likely see some reference to the U.S.’s own long history of election interference. Yet most of these articles defend the U.S. by claiming that such interference campaigns dropped off significantly since the end of the Cold War.

Sneaky Deep State changes narrative on Russia from “election meddling” to “election involvement” (Video)

With US primary elections coming in November 2018, the neocon-deep state faction of the Trump administration is cleverly scapegoating Russia, while changing the narrative on what was previously called “election meddling” to now be identified as “election involvement”.
Not that any of this matters, because we have, to-date, seen no evidence of “meddling”, “collusion”, “interference”, or “involvement”.
Nevertheless, should Republicans have a poor showing in the midterms Russia will be blamed, and should Democrats have a poor showing in the midterms Russia will be blamed.

Stephen Cohen DEMOLISHES neocon tool Max Boot on CNN (Video)

Russia scholar Stephen Cohen absolutely destroys neocon pundit Max Boot after Boot called Cohen a “Russia apologist” on CNN.
CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked the two men if the American public should be concerned about US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin having a two-hour meeting behind closed doors during a summit in Helsinki, with only their two interpreters to witness the meeting.

PSY-Group to Black Cube: Israel’s Role in Global Cyber-Election Meddling

Those US and British politicians who are bashing Russia for foreign “election meddling” could use a more honest set of talking points. It is Israel, not Russia, China, or North Korea, that hosts a blossoming industry of cyber-election meddlers who operate from corporate offices in Tel Aviv, Cyprus, London, Washington, and Tortola.

U.S. Meddled in Venezuela’s Elections, Says Venezuelan Foreign Minister

Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Jorge Arreaza, talked about how the US embassy and American diplomats meddled in Venezuela’s elections, calling for the opposition to boycott the elections in a bid to undermine its legitimacy, in a recent interview with Deutsche Welle.
Western media, in attempts to parrot the illegitimacy claims, have often pointed to the boycotts that much of the opposition carried out.