
US Billionaire Tries to Nullify Soviet Role in WWII Victory

On May 23rd, Russia’s RT headlined “Soviet Union oddly missing from US-made coin ‘saluting’ WWII Allies” and displayed a private firm’s, the Bradford Exchange’s, “commemorative” “WWII 75th Anniversary 24K Gold-Plated gold-plated” coin, which is being marketed as an ‘investment’, and which on one of its sides shows US Presidents Truman and Eisenhower, and on the opposite side shows the flags of US, Britain, and France.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTonight's meme has been around for awhile but I thought that, in light of Congress recently coming back into session and vowing to help our adversaries Russia and China by pushing Tax Scam 2018-Part 2 thus sending our increasing national debt into unchartered waters, and Paul Ryan's vows to cut Social Security and Medicare, using the Trump/Ryan Tax Scams as an excuse... well, it's as timely as ever.

Another Bad Vote In Congress-- A Bipartisan Attack On Americans' Basic Rights?

No One In Congress Remembers Dwight Eisenhower's Farewell Message To America?Justin Amash (R-MI) has the least objectionable crucial vote record of any Republican in Congress-- 42.86. It's a better voting record than 7 Blue Dog "Democrats" have this cycle. Translation: Amash has voted more frequently for progressive positions on important roll calls than these monstrosities pretending to be Democrats (from bad to worst):