
Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Arthur Travers Harris were notorious War Criminals

One person with direct responsibility for transforming Dresden into an open-air crematorium, as the city was bombed by forbidden flammable bombs for massive destruction (Saddam Hussein was attacked in 2003 by the NATO’s alliance under the alleged and finally false accusation to possess exactly such weapons - WMD) is the “Bomber Harris” – a commander of the British Royal Air-Forces during the Dresden Raid.

‘NATO’ is the Nazi Alliance Treaty Organization.

Eric Zuesse (blogs at https://theduran.com/author/eric-zuesse/) Here’s how that happened: When Truman met Stalin at the Potsdam Conference (17 July 1945 to 2 August 1945) where the post-WW-II future would be decided, Churchill immediately tried to persuade Truman that the U.S. must commence and lead the world in a cold war to end communism, but Truman […]

Since 1945, U.S. Has Been Secretly Obsessed to Destroy Both Russia and China

Eric Zuesse Here is from Daniel Ellsberg’s 2017 The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner, about what insiders know and don’t honestly tell the U.S. President about what a nuclear war would do: On page 1 of Ellsberg’s book, he said that the only “For the President’s Eyes Only” document he ever saw […]

Further Evidence that the U.S.-UK Deep State Is One Country, Not Two

Eric Zuesse Because there is so much evidence that the U.S. and UK have one actual Government, a single Deep State, that makes the major international-policy (war-and-peace) decisions, and that neither country’s public has authentic sovereignty over its allegedly ‘democratic’ Government, but, instead, all ‘citizens’ of both are actually subjects of this single behind-the-scenes secret […]

How did America become ruled by its military-industrial complex?

Eric Zuesse The U.S. Government spends on its military, annually, in not just its ‘Defense’ Department, but all of its departments taken together, around $1.5 trillion dollars.  (Much of that money is hidden in the Treasury Department and others, in order to convey to the public the false idea that ‘only’ around 800 billion dollars […]

60 Years Later, The Farewell  Speech of President Eisenhower  Appears Even More Relevant Now

 Dwight D. Eisenhower had the special distinction of being a very highly decorated and senior five-star military general in-charge of some of the most crucial battles of the second world war who went on to become two-term President of the USA in the important post war phase ( 1953 -1961). When his maximum allowed 8 years of two terms were[Read More...]

Defunding police results are totally predictable. So why do it? [Video]

The screed of “Defund the Police” has yielded scenes like this: That this sort of activity has actually been implemented anywhere at all is stunning. The results of it have been uniformly bad everywhere it is implemented. According to this piece from The Wall Street Journal: In the last three months of 2020, homicides rose 32.2% […]

Analysis: intervention in Ukraine could be suicide for US [Video]

The following is a translation of Alexander Belov’s piece that appears on Regnum, a Russian site. We have made every effort to ensure the translation is accurate, and have added no emphases to it. —————- Historian and philosopher Arnold J. Toynbee argued that great empires die by suicide, not murder. If the United States is […]