
Samidoun calls for the freedom of political prisoners in Egyptian jails

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network – February 22, 2019 Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network condemned the executions carried out by the Egyptian regime against 9 Egyptian youths, calling for an end to the “systematic and continuous repression and killings by the fascist regime of General Abdel-Fattah Sisi.” “What is happening in Egyptian prisons is systematic […]

Pompeo the Warmonger Supports Authoritarian Regimes

By Brian CLOUGHLEY | Strategic Culture Foundation | 20.01.2019 On January 2 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Brazil, and his Department noted that in discussions with Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo they “highlighted the importance of working together to address regional and global challenges, including supporting the people of Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua in restoring their […]

Trump, Bolton and the Syrian Confusion

It’s a messy, though typical picture.  US President Donald Trump wants to pull out forces in Syria.  When announced in December, jaws drooped and sharp intakes of breath were registered through the Washington establishment.  Members of the military industrial complex were none too pleased.  The president had seemingly made his case clear: US blood and treasure will not be further drawn upon to right the conflicts of the Middle East.

Mike Pompeo tours Middle East to challenge John Bolton as U.S. foreign policy TSAR (Video)

Mike Pompeo’s speech in Cairo, Egypt last week will win no hearts and change no minds among in the Arab world, as the the U.S. Secretary of State delivered an empty sermon that was better suited for a dumbed down audience following MSNBC or CNN.
RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou take a quick look at Pompeo’s trip to the Middle East and his deeply flawed and cynical speech in Cairo.
Via Bloomberg