
MoA: Targeting Turkey for the Empire- Showing the barflies "the way" to........

 hell? .... destabilizing Turkey for the remake? Intentional or not the outcome is the same.One of the usual suspects, long time suspect in my opinion, who has been steadily massaging perceptions with regard to Turkey was recently at at again. Turkey is and has been targeted in the remake the region agenda. That’s been long obvious to some of us. Obfuscated by too many others, including, yet again, Moon of Alabama. A brief aside- many years ago when this blog started others warned me about Moon of Alabama.

Erdoğan Opened a Pandora’s Box in Libya That Will Be Difficult to Close

By Paul Antonopoulos | December 4, 2019 Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean are rapidly rising after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met with a Libyan official of the internationally recognized Government of National Accord (GNA), based in the Libyan capital of Tripoli, in Ankara last week. They agreed on their own Economic Exclusive Zone that […]

US gatecrashes into Libyan endgame. But Russia stands in the way

By M. K. BHADRAKUMAR | Indian Punchline | November 29, 2019 The United States has alleged that Russia’s presence in Libya is having an “incredibly destabilising” impact. Washington is stepping out of the shade and making way to the centre stage of the Libyan conflict. David Schenker, the State Department’s assistant secretary for near eastern […]

US threatens Egypt with Sanctions over Russian Su-35 fighter jet purchase

Submitted by InfoBrics, authored by Sarah Abed, independent journalist and analyst…
Washington’s latest attempt to dissuade an ally from making arms deals with Russia came in the form of a letter sent on last Wednesday to Egyptian officials warning them that they could face sanctions if they continued with their $2 billion dollar Su-35 fighter jets contract.

Washington threatens Egypt with Sanctions over Russian Su-35 fighter jet purchase

By Sarah Abed | November 18, 2019 Washington’s latest attempt to dissuade an ally from making arms deals with Russia came in the form of a letter sent on last Wednesday to Egyptian officials warning them that they could face sanctions if they continued with their $2 billion dollar Su-35 fighter jets contract. In addition […]

UN finds: Morsi’s death ‘state-sanctioned arbitrary killing’

Press TV – November 9, 2019 A panel of UN experts have found that the detention conditions of former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi may have directly led to his death in June. Morsi was Egypt’s first democratically elected president. He was ousted in a military coup by current President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in 2013. He’d […]