
The Middle East Conflict You Haven’t Heard About?

Wall Street Journal published a piece claiming there’s a "conflict you’ve not heard about"Wrong! Readers here have heard/read about it. Having, in fact, been informed fairly extensively about the conflict, that is the subject of their oped.While others obfuscate, we’ve explored, as much as possible, in order to have a basic understanding of the situation.

The US bought Sisi for $9bn, but the Egyptian people cannot be swayed

By Amelia Smith | MEMO | February 9, 2020 When Trump announced Jerusalem was Israel’s undivided capital under his so-called “deal of the century”, the Egyptian public questioned whether Al-Sisi had a hand in preparing the plan. His support, after all, came just half an hour after the announcement. Officially, Egypt supports the establishment of […]

One phone call from Trump to Sisi could’ve prevented Mustafa Kassem’s hunger strike death

Submitted by InfoBrics, authored by Sarah Abed, independent journalist and analyst…
After spending 77 months in an Egyptian prison while on pre-trial detention and serving part of his fifteen year sentence, Mustafa Kassem, a 54 year old cancer-survivor and father of two living in New York with dual American-Egyptian citizenship died last Monday in Egypt’s Tora prison.

Sleepless in Cairo: Egyptians Reacquaint Themselves to Life In a Dictatorship

I left Egypt 40 years ago. They say you can take an Egyptian out of Egypt, but you can’t take Egypt out of an Egyptian. I still visit Egypt every now and then. I recently made my first visit since the January 25 Revolution of 2011.
It wasn’t easy after all these years. I was warned about the political climate in Egypt now under military rule. The martial law, the mistreatment of journalists and media. But I’ve missed lots of family funerals through the years, and my beloved brother just passed away. I needed to be there.

Khalifa Haftar: Friend of Israel, Not A Force for Good In Libya

Dedicated to the many dis/misinformants that populate the so called alt media, including Mark Sleboda,  MoA,  & 21st Century. While Canthama and other disinformers who resided at Syper,  extol the unimpeachable virtue of  Saint Haftar as everyday ritual.

Khalifa Haftar is not a force for good in Libya


Pt. 1: Meddling Outsiders and Antagonistic/Conflicting Neighbours Around the Mediterranean Sea

We’ve long talked here about the remake the region (MENA) the one that’s been occurring since 2003 and the invasion of Iraq, but, one can go even further back to the invasion of Afghanistan. Generally when this topic is written about here the ‘03 date is used as the start date of the ‘birth pangs of the new middle east” The Mediterranean Sea, as mentioned, is currently the sea at the center of much conflict and competition. No different from it's past.

Abraham & Genesis Explained 4 – Jay Dyer (Half)

In our Bible series we move to the next installment – the Abrahamic covenant.  We will see how is the model of the covenant for the inclusion of Gentiles, according to St Paul, as Abraham himself was a Gentile.  Abraham is the famous convert, and for St. Paul is the model of the convert as see he looked forward to the coming Messiah.  The full talks are available for those who subscribe to Live at 5 PM CST